
Legacy code. To be updated or depreciated.

Module Contents



RVEA variant that impliments slow reference vector movement.

class desdeo_emo.EAs.slowRVEA.slowRVEA(population: pyrvea.Population.Population.Population, ea_parameters)[source]

Bases: pyrvea.EAs.RVEA.RVEA

RVEA variant that impliments slow reference vector movement.

set_params(population: pyrvea.Population.Population.Population, generations_per_iteration: int = 10, iterations: int = 10, Alpha: float = 2, ref_point: list = None, old_point: list = None, **kwargs)[source]

Set up the parameters. Save in RVEA.params. Note, this should be changed to align with the current structure.

  • population (Population) – Population object

  • Alpha (float) – The alpha parameter of APD selection.

  • plotting (bool) – Useless really.

_run_interruption(population: pyrvea.Population.Population.Population)[source]