Source code for desdeo_emo.utilities.model_management

from numpy.core.numeric import indices
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import unique
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
from desdeo_tools.scalarization.ASF import SimpleASF, ReferencePointASF
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
from desdeo_problem.surrogatemodels.SurrogateModels import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import DotProduct,\
    WhiteKernel, RBF, Matern, ConstantKernel
from desdeo_problem import MOProblem

#TODO: add @njit function here
[docs]def remove_duplicate( X: np.ndarray, archive_x: np.ndarray ): """identifiesthe duplicate rows for decision variables Args: X (np.ndarray): the current decision variables. archive_x (np.ndarray): The decision variables in the archive. Returns: indicies (np.ndarray): the indicies of solutions that are NOT already in the archive. """ all_variables = np.vstack((archive_x,X)) all_variables_indicies = np.arange(len(all_variables)) e,unique_variables_indicies = np.unique(all_variables, return_index=True, axis=0) repeated_all_variables = np.delete(all_variables_indicies, unique_variables_indicies) repeated_in_X = repeated_all_variables - len(archive_x) X_indicies = np.arange(len(X)) X_uniqe_indicies = np.delete(X_indicies, repeated_in_X) return X_uniqe_indicies
[docs]def ikrvea_mm( reference_point: np.ndarray, individuals: np.ndarray, objectives: np.ndarray, uncertainity: np.ndarray, problem: MOProblem, u: int) -> float: """ Selects the solutions that need to be reevaluated with the original functions. This model management is based on the following papaer: 'P. Aghaei Pour, T. Rodemann, J. Hakanen, and K. Miettinen, “Surrogate assisted interactive multiobjective optimization in energy system design of buildings,” Optimization and Engineering, 2021.' Args: reference_front (np.ndarray): The reference front that the current front is being compared to. Should be an one-dimensional array. individuals (np.ndarray): Current individuals generated by using surrogate models objectives (np.ndarray): Current objectives generated by using surrogate models uncertainity (np.ndarray): Current Uncertainty values generated by using surrogate models problem : the problem class Returns: float: the new problem object that has an updated archive. """ nd = remove_duplicate(individuals, problem.archive.drop( problem.objective_names, axis=1).to_numpy()) #removing duplicate solutions if len(nd) == 0: return problem else: non_duplicate_dv = individuals[nd] non_duplicate_obj = objectives[nd] non_duplicate_unc = uncertainity[nd] # Selecting solutions with lowest ASF values asf_solutions = SimpleASF([1]*problem.n_of_objectives).__call__(non_duplicate_obj, reference_point) idx = np.argpartition(asf_solutions, 2*u) asf_unc = np.max(non_duplicate_unc [idx[0:2*u]], axis= 1) # index of solutions with lowest Uncertainty lowest_unc_index = np.argpartition(asf_unc, u)[0:u] # evaluating the solutions in asf_unc with lowest uncertainty. The archive will get update in problem.evaluate() problem.evaluate(non_duplicate_dv[lowest_unc_index], use_surrogate=False)[0] problem.train(models=GaussianProcessRegressor,\ model_parameters={'kernel': Matern(nu=1.5)}) return problem