Source code for desdeo_emo.problem.IOPIS

from typing import Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from desdeo_emo.population.Population import Population
from desdeo_problem import (
from desdeo_tools.maps.preference_incorporated_space_RP import (
from desdeo_tools.scalarization import AUG_GUESS_GLIDE, AUG_STOM_GLIDE

[docs]class IOPISProblem(MOProblem): """A problem class for the IOPIS formulation for interactive optimization. This variant uses the classification kind of preference information for the creation of the Preference incorporated space (PIS). Arguments: objectives (List[Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]]): A list containing the objectives of the problem. variables (List[Variable]): A list containing the variables of the problem. nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir point of the problem. ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal point of the problem. PIS: An instantiated classificationPIS class from desdeo-tools. constraints (List[ScalarConstraint], optional): A list of the constraints of the problem. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, objectives: List[Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]], variables: List[Variable], nadir: np.ndarray, ideal: np.ndarray, PIS_type: str, initial_preference: Union[List, Dict], constraints: List[ScalarConstraint] = None, ): super().__init__( objectives=objectives, variables=variables, constraints=constraints, nadir=nadir, ideal=ideal, ) allowed_PIS_types = ["MultiDM", "Classification", "IOPIS"] self.PIS_type = PIS_type if PIS_type not in allowed_PIS_types: raise ValueError(f"PIS_type should be one of {allowed_PIS_types}") if PIS_type == "IOPIS": self.PIS = IOPIS( utopian=self.ideal * self._max_multiplier, nadir=self.nadir * self._max_multiplier, scalarizers=[AUG_STOM_GLIDE, AUG_GUESS_GLIDE], ) self.fitness_names = ["STOM Value", "GUESS Value"] self.allowable_interaction_types = { "Reference point": ( "Specify a reference point worse than the utopian point. ", "The STOM and GUESS scalarization functions are used to find " "solutions that approximate the given reference point. " "This results in solutions that represent the trade-offs between " "the optimal solution for STOM and GUESS." " The closer the reference point is to the Pareto front, the smaller " "the spread of the solutions is.", ) } elif PIS_type == "Classification": self.PIS = classificationPIS( utopian=self.ideal * self._max_multiplier, nadir=self.nadir * self._max_multiplier, scalarizers=[AUG_STOM_GLIDE], ) self.fitness_names = ["NIMBUS Value", "STOM Value"] self.allowable_interaction_types = { "Classification": ( "Classify the objectives into 'make better', 'keep same', " "'allow to worsen'." ) } elif PIS_type == "MultiDM": self.PIS = MultiDMPIS( utopian=self.ideal * self._max_multiplier, nadir=self.nadir * self._max_multiplier, num_DM=2, ) self.fitness_names = [ "First preference fitness", "Second preference fitness", ] self.allowable_interaction_types = { "Reference points": ( "Specify two reference points worse than the utopian point. ", "The STOM scalarization functions are used to find " "solutions that approximate the given reference points. " "This results in solutions that represent the trade-offs between " "the optimal solution for the two reference points." " The closer the reference points are to each other, the smaller " "the spread of the solutions is.", ) } self.PIS.update_preference(initial_preference) self.ideal_fitness = self.PIS(self.ideal * self._max_multiplier) self.nadir_fitness = self.PIS(self.nadir * self._max_multiplier) self.num_dim_fitness = self.PIS.num_scalarizers @property def n_of_fitnesses(self) -> int: return self.num_dim_fitness
[docs] def evaluate_fitness(self, objective_vectors: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate objective fitness. Arguments: objective_vectors (np.ndarray): objective vectors Returns: np.ndarray: Objective fitness """ return self.PIS(objective_vectors * self._max_multiplier)
[docs] def reevaluate_fitness(self, objective_vectors: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Re-evaluate objective fitness. Calls update_ideal with objective_vectors. Arguments: objective_vectors (np.ndarray): objective vectors Returns: np.ndarray: Objective fitness """ fitness = self.PIS(objective_vectors * self._max_multiplier) self.ideal_fitness = self.PIS(self.ideal * self._max_multiplier) self.update_ideal(objective_vectors, fitness) return fitness
[docs] def update_preference(self, preference: Union[Dict, List]): """Update PIS preference Arguments: preference (Dict): PIS preferences """ self.PIS.update_preference(preference)
[docs] def update_ideal(self, objective_vectors: np.ndarray, fitness: np.ndarray): """Update ideal vector. Arguments: objective_vectors (np.ndarray): Objective vectors fitness (np.ndarray): Fitness values for objective vectors """ self.ideal_fitness = np.amin(np.vstack((self.ideal_fitness, fitness)), axis=0) self.ideal = ( np.amin( np.vstack((self.ideal, objective_vectors)) * self._max_multiplier, axis=0, ) * self._max_multiplier ) self.PIS.update_map( utopian=self.ideal * self._max_multiplier, nadir=self.nadir * self._max_multiplier, )
[docs] def request_preferences(self, pop): dimensions_data = pd.DataFrame( index=["minimize", "ideal", "nadir"], columns=pop.problem.get_objective_names(), ) dimensions_data.loc["minimize"] = pop.problem._max_multiplier dimensions_data.loc["ideal"] = pop.ideal_objective_vector dimensions_data.loc["nadir"] = pop.nadir_objective_vector message = ( f"Provide the following preference type: \n" f"{self.allowable_interaction_types}" ) return dimensions_data, message
[docs] def manage_preferences(self, population: Population, preference=None): if self.PIS_type == "IOPIS": if not isinstance(preference, dict): raise TypeError("Preference type must be dict") self.PIS.update_map( utopian=population.ideal_objective_vector * population.problem._max_multiplier, nadir=population.nadir_objective_vector * population.problem._max_multiplier, ) self.PIS.update_preference(preference) return elif self.PIS_type == "MultiDM": if not isinstance(preference, list): raise TypeError("Preference type must be list") self.PIS.update_map( utopian=population.ideal_objective_vector * population.problem._max_multiplier, nadir=population.nadir_objective_vector * population.problem._max_multiplier, ) self.PIS.update_preference(preference) return else: raise TypeError("Classification not implemented in this version yet.")