Source code for desdeo_emo.EAs.PPGA

from random import choice, sample
import numpy as np

# from pygmo import fast_non_dominated_sorting as nds
from desdeo_tools.utilities import fast_non_dominated_sort as nds
from desdeo_emo.EAs.BaseEA import BaseEA, eaError

[docs]class PPGA(BaseEA): """Predatory-Prey genetic algorithm. A population of prey signify the various models or solutions to the problem at hand. Weaker prey, i.e. bad models or solutions, are killed by predators. The predators and prey are placed in a lattice, in which they are free to roam. In each generation, each predator gets a certain number of turns to move about and hunt in its neighbourhood, killing the weaker prey, according to a fitness criteria. After this, each prey gets a certain number of moves to pursue a random walk and to reproduce with other prey. Each reproduction step generates two new prey from two parents, by crossing over their attributes and adding random mutations. After each prey has completed its move, the whole process starts again. As the weaker individuals get eliminated in each generation, the population as a whole becomes more fit, i.e. the individuals get closer to the true pareto-optimal solutions. If you have any questions about the code, please contact: Bhupinder Saini: Project researcher at University of Jyväskylä. Parameters ---------- population : object The population object Notes ----- The algorithm has been created earlier in MATLAB, and this Python implementation has been using that code as a basis. See references [4] for the study during which the original MATLAB version was created. Python code has been written by Niko Rissanen under the supervision of professor Nirupam Chakraborti. For the MATLAB implementation, see: N. Chakraborti. Data-Driven Bi-Objective Genetic Algorithms EvoNN and BioGP and Their Applications in Metallurgical and Materials Domain. In Datta, Shubhabrata, Davim, J. Paulo (eds.), Computational Approaches to Materials Design: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, pp. 346-369, 2016. References ---------- [1] Laumanns, M., Rudolph, G., & Schwefel, H. P. (1998). A spatial predator-prey approach to multi-objective optimization: A preliminary study. In International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (pp. 241-249). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. [2] Li, X. (2003). A real-coded predator-prey genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization. In International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (pp. 207-221). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. [3] Chakraborti, N. (2014). Strategies for evolutionary data driven modeling in chemical and metallurgical Systems. In Applications of Metaheuristics in Process Engineering (pp. 89-122). Springer, Cham. [4] Pettersson, F., Chakraborti, N., & Saxén, H. (2007). A genetic algorithms based multi-objective neural net applied to noisy blast furnace data. Applied Soft Computing, 7(1), 387-397. """ def __init__( self, problem, population_size: int = 100, population_params=None, initial_population=None, n_iterations: int = 10, n_gen_per_iter: int = 10, predator_pop_size: int = 50, prey_max_moves: int = 10, prob_prey_move: float = 0.3, offspring_place_attempts: int = 10, kill_interval: int = 7, max_rank: int = 20, neighbourhood_radius: int = 3, ): super().__init__(n_gen_per_iter=n_gen_per_iter, n_iterations=n_iterations) if initial_population is None: msg = "Provide initial population" raise eaError(msg) self.population = initial_population self.target_pop_size = population_size self.predator_pop_size: int = predator_pop_size self.prey_max_moves: int = prey_max_moves self.prob_prey_move: float = prob_prey_move self.offspring_place_attempts: int = offspring_place_attempts self.kill_interval: int = kill_interval self.max_rank: int = max_rank self.neighbourhood_radius: int = neighbourhood_radius self.lattice = Lattice( size_x=60, size_y=60, population=self.population, predator_pop_size=predator_pop_size, target_pop_size=self.target_pop_size, prob_prey_move=prob_prey_move, prey_max_moves=prey_max_moves, offspring_place_attempts=offspring_place_attempts, neighbourhood_radius=neighbourhood_radius, )
[docs] def _next_gen(self): """Run one generation of PPGA. Intended to be used by next_iteration. Parameters ---------- population: "Population" Population object """ # Move prey and select neighbours for breeding mating_pop = self.lattice.move_prey() offspring = self.population.mate(mating_pop) # Try to place the offspring to lattice, add to population if successful placed_indices = self.lattice.place_offspring(len(offspring)) # Remove from offsprings the ones that didn't get placed mask = np.ones(len(offspring), dtype=bool) mask[placed_indices] = False offspring = np.asarray(offspring)[~mask] # Add the successfully placed offspring to the population self.population.add(offspring) self._current_gen_count += 1 self._gen_count_in_curr_iteration += 1 self._function_evaluation_count += offspring.shape[0] # Kill bad individuals every n generations if self._current_gen_count % self.kill_interval == 0: selected =, self.max_rank) self.lattice.update_lattice(selected) self.population.delete(selected) # Move predators self.lattice.move_predator()
[docs] def select(self, population, max_rank=20) -> list: """Of the population, individuals lower than max_rank are selected. Return indices of selected individuals. Parameters ---------- population : Population Contains the current population and problem information. max_rank : int Select only individuals lower than max_rank Returns ------- list List of indices of individuals to be selected. """ # Calculating fronts and ranks # _, _, _, rank = nds( fronts = nds( index_ranks = np.argwhere(fronts) rank = np.full(fronts.shape[1], np.inf, dtype=int) rank[index_ranks[:, 1]] = index_ranks[:, 0] selection = np.nonzero(rank > max_rank) return selection[0]
[docs] def manage_preferences(self, preference=None): return
[docs]class Lattice: """The 2-dimensional toroidal lattice in which the predators and prey are placed. Attributes ---------- size_x : int Width of the lattice. size_y : int Height of the lattice. lattice : ndarray 2d array for the lattice. predator_pop : ndarray The predator population. predators_loc : list Location (x, y) of predators on the lattice. preys_loc : list Location (x, y) of preys on the lattice. """ def __init__( self, size_x, size_y, population, predator_pop_size, target_pop_size, prob_prey_move, prey_max_moves, offspring_place_attempts, neighbourhood_radius, ): self.size_x = size_x self.size_y = size_y self.population = population self.predator_pop_size = predator_pop_size self.target_pop_size = target_pop_size self.prob_prey_move = prob_prey_move self.prey_max_moves = prey_max_moves self.offspring_place_attempts = offspring_place_attempts self.neighbourhood_radius = neighbourhood_radius self.lattice = np.zeros((self.size_y, self.size_x), int) self.predator_pop = np.empty((0, 1)) self.predators_loc = [] self.preys_loc = [] self.mating_pop = [] self.init_predators() self.init_prey()
[docs] def init_predators(self): """Initialize the predator population, linearly distributed in [0,1] and place them in the lattice randomly.""" # Initialize the predator population self.predator_pop = np.linspace(0, 1, num=self.predator_pop_size) # Take random indices from free (==zero) lattice spaces free_space = np.transpose(np.nonzero(self.lattice == 0)) indices = sample(free_space.tolist(), self.predator_pop.shape[0]) for i in range(self.predator_pop.shape[0]): # Keep track of predator locations in a list self.predators_loc.append([indices[i][0], indices[i][1]]) # +1 to offset zero index individual, set negative number to # identify predators from prey in the lattice self.lattice[indices[i][0]][indices[i][1]] = int(-1 * (i + 1))
[docs] def init_prey(self): """Find an empty position in the lattice and place the prey.""" # Take random indices from free (==zero) lattice spaces free_space = np.transpose(np.nonzero(self.lattice == 0)) indices = sample(free_space.tolist(), len(self.population.individuals)) for i in range(len(self.population.individuals)): # Keep track of preys in a list self.preys_loc.append([indices[i][0], indices[i][1]]) # +1 to offset zero index individual self.lattice[indices[i][0]][indices[i][1]] = int(i + 1)
[docs] def move_prey(self): """Find an empty position in prey neighbourhood for the prey to move in, and choose a mate for breeding if any available. Returns ------- mating_pop : list List of parent indices to use for mating """ mating_pop = [] for prey, pos in enumerate(self.preys_loc): if np.random.random() < self.prob_prey_move: for i in range(self.prey_max_moves): neighbours = self.neighbours(self.lattice, pos[0], pos[1]) dy = np.random.randint(neighbours.shape[0]) dx = np.random.randint(neighbours.shape[1]) # If neighbouring cell is occupied, skip turn if neighbours[dy][dx] != 0: continue dest_y = dy - 1 + pos[0] dest_x = dx - 1 + pos[1] # Check boundaries of the lattice if dest_y not in range(self.size_y) or dest_x not in range( self.size_x ): dest_y, dest_x = self.lattice_wrap_idx( (dest_y, dest_x), np.shape(self.lattice) ) # Move prey, clear previous location self.lattice[dest_y][dest_x] = int(prey + 1) self.lattice[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 0 # Update prey location in the list pos[0], pos[1] = dest_y, dest_x neighbours = self.neighbours( self.lattice, self.preys_loc[prey][0], self.preys_loc[prey][1] ) mates = neighbours[(neighbours > 0) & (neighbours != prey + 1)] if len(mates) < 1: continue else: # -1 for lattice offset mate = int(choice(mates)) - 1 mating_pop.append([prey, mate]) if mating_pop == []: raise eaError("What's ahppening?!") return mating_pop
[docs] def place_offspring(self, offspring): """Try to place the offsprings to the lattice. If no empty spot found within number of max attempts, do not place. Parameters ---------- offspring : int number of offsprings Returns ------- list Successfully placed offspring indices. """ # Keep track of offspring in a list placed_offspring = [] for i in range(offspring): y = np.random.randint(self.size_y) x = np.random.randint(self.size_x) for j in range(self.offspring_place_attempts): if self.lattice[y][x] != 0: continue else: if self.lattice[y][x] == 0: # Append the offspring to the list of preys. # len(self.preys_loc) is the index of the current # last prey in the list self.lattice[y][x] = int(len(self.preys_loc) + 1) self.preys_loc.append([y, x]) placed_offspring.append(i) return placed_offspring
[docs] def move_predator(self): """Find an empty position in the predator neighbourhood for the predators to move in, move the predator and kill the weakest prey in its neighbourhood, if any. Repeat until > predator_max_moves.""" predator_max_moves = int( (len(self.population.individuals) - self.target_pop_size) / self.predator_pop_size ) # Track killed preys in list and remove them at the end of the function to_be_killed = [] for predator, pos in enumerate(self.predators_loc): for i in range(predator_max_moves): neighbours = self.neighbours( self.lattice, pos[0], pos[1], n=self.neighbourhood_radius ) targets = neighbours[neighbours > 0] # If preys found in the neighbourhood, # calculate their fitness and kill the weakest if len(targets) > 0: fitness = [] weakest_prey = None for target in targets: obj1 =[target - 1][0] obj2 =[target - 1][1] fc = ( self.predator_pop[predator] * obj1 + (1 - self.predator_pop[predator]) * obj2 ) fitness.append((fc, target)) fitness.sort() weakest_prey = fitness[-1][1] - 1 # Kill the weakest prey and move the predator to its place self.lattice[self.preys_loc[weakest_prey][0]][ self.preys_loc[weakest_prey][1] ] = -1 * (predator + 1) # Set the old predator location to zero self.lattice[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 0 # Update predator location in the list of predators pos[0], pos[1] = ( self.preys_loc[weakest_prey][0], self.preys_loc[weakest_prey][1], ) # Set the killed prey as dead in the list of prey locations and # end predator turn to_be_killed.append(weakest_prey) self.preys_loc[weakest_prey] = None else: dy = np.random.randint(neighbours.shape[0]) dx = np.random.randint(neighbours.shape[1]) # If neighbouring cell is occupied by another predator, skip turn if neighbours[dy][dx] < 0: continue dest_y = dy - 1 + pos[0] dest_x = dx - 1 + pos[1] # Check boundaries of the lattice if dest_y not in range(self.size_y) or dest_x not in range( self.size_x ): dest_y, dest_x = self.lattice_wrap_idx( (dest_y, dest_x), np.shape(self.lattice) ) # Move predator, clear previous location self.lattice[dest_y][dest_x] = -1 * (predator + 1) self.lattice[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 0 # Update predator location in the list pos[0], pos[1] = dest_y, dest_x # Remove killed prey from population self.population.delete(to_be_killed) self.update_lattice()
[docs] def update_lattice(self, selected=None): """Update prey positions in the lattice. Parameters ---------- selected : list Indices of preys to be removed from the lattice. """ # Remove selected individuals from the lattice if selected is not None: for i in selected: self.lattice[self.preys_loc[i][0]][self.preys_loc[i][1]] = 0 self.preys_loc[i] = None # Update the list of prey locations updated_preys = [x for x in self.preys_loc if x is not None] self.preys_loc = updated_preys # Update lattice for prey, pos in enumerate(self.preys_loc): self.lattice[pos[0]][pos[1]] = prey + 1
[docs] def lattice_wrap_idx(index, lattice_shape): """Returns periodic lattice index for a given iterable index. Parameters ---------- index : tuple one integer for each axis lattice_shape : tuple the shape of the lattice to index to """ if not hasattr(index, "__iter__"): return index # handle integer slices if len(index) != len(lattice_shape): return index # must reference a scalar if any(type(i) == slice for i in index): return index # slices not supported if len(index) == len(lattice_shape): # periodic indexing of scalars mod_index = tuple(((i % s + s) % s for i, s in zip(index, lattice_shape))) return mod_index raise ValueError("Unexpected index: {}".format(index))
[docs] def neighbours(arr, x, y, n=3): """Given a 2D-array, returns an n*n array whose "center" element is arr[x,y] Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray A 2D-array where to get the neighbouring cells x : int X coordinate for the center element y : int Y coordinate for the center element n : int Radius of the neighbourhood Returns ------- The neighbouring cells of x, y in radius n*n. Defaults to Moore neighbourhood (n=3). """ arr = np.roll(np.roll(arr, shift=-x + 1, axis=0), shift=-y + 1, axis=1) return arr[:n, :n]